Admission requirements

Conditions for acceptance include:
 ●    Obtaining a university (bachelor) degree
 ●     At least three years of practical experience in the public or private sector
 ●    A letter of interest in the program, containing the applicant’s motivations and reasons behind applying.  
 ●    Two letters of recommendation
 ●     Passing the personal interview

Success in the program requires

 1.    Commitment to attend at least 90% of the program.
 2.    Exceeding practical and field tests by at least 80%

Tuition and Fees

 Tuition is calculated according to the number of credits for which a student is registered in any given module/semester. CLD charges US 200$/credit for individulas, and 250 $/credit for governments .

Refund Policy

Non-attendance in a course does not constitute official withdrawal. Students who are registered in a course and yet fail to attend are held responsible both academically and financially for that course. Refunds are given only when the student officially withdraws with the knowledge and permission of the Registrar’s Office. The following schedule is applied to tuition-fees only. 
Before starting the course: Full refund
First week: 85%
Second week: 50%
Third week: 30%
Beyond the third week: No refund

For customized intensive course
Before starting the course: Full refund
End of the first week: 75%
End of the second week: 25%
Third week and beyond: No refund

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